Monday, September 30, 2019

Benedict Arnold Essay

Benedict Arnold was a Revolutionary Hero that had a big affect on winning the war. He had boosted many of the soldiers moral during the war with his successful raids. Moral could be considered a reason for the Americans winning the war because it kept them going through there up and downs. To begin my essay, I’ll start it with a brief summary on Arnold, so the reader will understand who he really was. Benedict Arnold was born on January 14,1741 in Norwich, Connecticut. His ancestors William Arnold and his family who left England because of religious persecution were the first Arnold’s in New England. Arnold’s family background was well respected and was know to have some wealth. Arnold received his education at Canterbury. Benedict was a romantic, adventurous, excessively proud and sensitive, ruled by impulse rather then principal. Arnold was employed at a drug store in Norwich until 1762,where he moved to New Haven establishing himself in business. He owned a considerable amount of land, was involved in the West India Trade and sometimes even commanding his own ships. On February22nd, 1767 he married Margaret Mansfield. With Margaret he had three sons, Benedict, Richard, and Henry. Benedict’s wife died on June 19th 1775. George Washington greatly liked Benedict Arnold and trusted him a lot, so he let Arnold and Ethan Allen try to invade Canada. The conditions were harsh and those conditions set a big problem for Arnold. Some Arnold’s men left and took many of the supplies they had to survive but he still had kept his men strong. The main problem toward Arnold’s army was the rain, snow, mud and especially hunger. Benedict finally reached St. Lawrence with 600 of his men, and he was commended for his success. Arnold tried to capture Quebec, but heavy rainstorms prevented Arnold and his army to move for three days. He then led two-attack n these two forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point, which Arnold had captured. These two successful captures had boost moral and many men confidence to keep on fighting. Benedict Arnold even made the British retreat when they attempted to attack Connecticut. Later on Benedict volunteered to take control of Fort Schuyler. He tricked the British into thinking he was coming with an army force of hundreds of thousands American Soldiers, when in reality he only had about a thousand. He then entered the fort and it was empty. Arnold signed the Oath of Allegiance to his country on May 30th, 1778. Arnold signed it at Artillery Park in Valley Forge. After getting rid of the British in Philadelphia, Washington gave Benedict the command of the city. By May of 1779 Arnold began bargaining with the British. Arnold was offered over 10,000 pounds and a commission in the British Army. The bounty Arnold had put up was West Point. Arnold began conversing with Major John Andre from the British Army. John Andrea was the middleman between Arnold and Sir Henry Clinton regarding the closing of the deal. Andre was sent back to the British lines with some documents in his sock from Arnold. Andre was captured and placed in American custody. After the documents were found, Arnold heard and escaped. John Andre was killed for a spy. The British gave Arnold money, land in Canada, pensions for himself, his wife and kids, and a spot in the British military as a Brigadier General. Arnold then was never given an important military command. Benedict Arnold finally died in 1801. Arnold was a great man who was devoted to his country. He had given all his life, strength and respect for his country but never received any of that back. He was highly made fun of by many people, including Generals and people in congress. He also wasn’t getting paid as well either. All those factors had finally broke Arnold and he couldn’t take all the disrespect from his amazing accomplishments for the United States. The decision leading him to become know as a traitor shouldn’t let his great achievements for the United States of America go to waste. He should have been honored for what he did for his country then disgraced. Arnold was a brilliant leader in the continental army, leading to many victories for the United States. His uncommon bravery had really showed a great impression on all the soldiers, boosting their morals even more. †Arnold dedicated himself to the Revolutionary cause, sacrificing family life, health, and financial well-being for a conflict that left him physically crippled, sullied by false accusations, and profoundly alienated from the American cause of liberty.† Arnold can be considered one of the best American Generals during the fight for independence. He was very well known for that and respected. Though congress would never give him his deserved promotions. Now as we learn about Arnold, we are never taught of what he did but instead of his treasury. Arnold really didn’t turn on his country but the country had turned on him for not noticing his great achievements for the fight for independence. The only honor that was rewarded to Arnold was the â€Å"Boot monument† where he had fought the Battle of Saratoga. He wasn’t rewarded for his great accomplishment but just rewarded for a wounded leg. Congress though had never motivated Arnold and always picked on him. Arnold was simple; he was a man with great honor who fought for independence and to keep his family name respected. Arnolds father was arrested for over drinking according to Jim Murphy, and his family name had lost much respect. So Arnold a confident, and strong man devoted his life to gain much of his family respect back. He had joined the group called â€Å"The Freemasons† who had requirements to become a memberâ€Å"From the first to the last . . . the first condition to be fulfilled is to Have a reputation of unsullied honor and probity.† Arnold was hoping to gain much of his respect through his membership in this group but was highly disrespected. Arnold being the confident men he is, just ignored it and attended the meetings. His own people simply constantly neglected Arnold. Arnold was asked to capture Fort Ticonderoga, so he did what he was told. He had captured the Fort without a fight, but only making the British there to surrender. He was given little to no credit for this amazing accomplishment that he led. Allen, a General as well, wrote to congress that he captured the fort without Arnold mentioned much. Allen in his letter as well mentioned other soldiers that didn’t do anything over Arnold. After the capture, Allen and his men taking their chance during the situation by looting and partying. Arnold trying to tell congress the true story was denied. Now Arnold began getting mistreated by congress for all his achievements. As he was then assigned to attack Canada, he did but unsuccessfully. He was wounded but rewarded greatly for his attempt and courage. Arnolds respect began to change. Major General Horatio Gate gave him control of Crown Point. As commander of the new fort, he had to defend Lake Champlain. He defended it greatly with a small fleet and army but was unsuccessfully able to keep it. His brilliancy came into play when he retreated perfectly back to the fort saving a lot of men. This accomplishment ranked up Arnold. Washington became to notice and trust Arnold. They were becoming great friends and there trust grew with them. The jealous man by the name of Gates grew as Arnold accomplished many achievements. A letter by Arnolds enemy stating that Arnold being a coward retreated, even though his fleet was bigger then the British. This was all false but people he once trusted started to turn on Arnold. Many started to agree, just to get Arnold the disrespected he didn’t deserve. Washington liking Arnold had been trying to promote him for his great commanding on land and water but congress refused. False accusations of Arnold started to come upon him. His own people and country were turning on him. Arnold began to question his sacrifices, loyalty and honor. Arnold was offered land, wealth and a military position in the British army, for exchange to surrender West Point. Arnold agreed but only because his country turned on him. He would never gain the respect he wanted from his own people, no matter what he did. His own country always humiliated him, even after what he gave to his country. He did many unrecognized accomplishments for the Americans. He won the Battle at Saratoga, which was the biggest turning point in the American Revolution because it finally convinced the French to send troops to our cause, who were a great aid. Benedict Arnold was an outstanding man. He was one of the first to agree with the colonist to go against Britain and one of the first to become a General of the new continental army. He easily captured many forts that boost the American moral and strength. He then was the Commander of West Point but still was constantly humiliated by his own people. His plans to gain respect back to his family name, was always failing. The truths of his victories started to become lies. The lies began to play an affect on Arnold’s character. He was fed up, so he decided to take the British offer. The offer was, he would give up West Point for land, wealth and a military position. He took it up for the reason his country mistreated him. â€Å"A variety of enemies on the American side had insulted and abused him, while others had denied him the credit due to his military skills.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Summary and Personal Response: “on Becoming a Writer”

Summary and Personal Response: â€Å"On Becoming a Writer† Naomi Cranfield Prof. Denise Ogden ENG 115 28 October 2012 Summary and Personal Response: On Becoming a Writer Mr. Russell Baker is a professional writer whose writings have earned him the Pulitzer Prize on more than one occasion. The excerpt â€Å"On Becoming a Writer† came from his memoir â€Å"Growing Up† (Baker, 1982). In this section of his memoirs, Mr. Baker is explaining that pivotal moment in his life when he realized he wanted to become a writer.Russell (1982) says that he had â€Å"been bored by everything associated with English courses†. He had dreaded having to write compositions, and knew that they were not acceptable writings. He didn’t like having to read the classics and said that it was â€Å"as deadening as chloroform†. He had an English teacher, Mr. Fleagle, who at first seemed to be straitlaced and puritanical. From his first impression of this teacher, he expecte d yet another year of monotony and boredom. Then one day his class had been given an assignment to write an informal essay.Russell had been given a list of topics to choose from for writing his essay. He took home this list and ignored it until the night before it was due. The topic that Mr. Baker chose to write about was â€Å"The Art of Eating Spaghetti†. He chose this topic because it was the one that stood out the most to him. It reminded him of an occasion when his family was eating spaghetti and the comical opinions of how to do it were making everybody laugh. It was at that moment that he actually had an epiphany.There was something he really wanted to evoke into his writing, particularly for himself. He started writing with the intentions of rewriting another version for his teacher. However by the time he finished writing the original he had no time to â€Å"compose a proper, respectable essay† for class. Mr. Baker had to turn in the original essay. He was sur e that he was going to fail that lesson. When his English teacher had finished grading the class’s essays, he returned all but Mr. Baker’s. Young Russell Baker just knew that he was in trouble. All of sudden Mr.Fleagle caught the attention of Russell and the rest of the class and proceeded to read out loud Russell’s essay. Everybody was enthralled and pleasantly amused with the essay to include Mr. Fleagle. That was when Russell Baker knew he wanted to be a writer. I believe that the purpose of this writing is so that Mr. Baker can share his experiences with his audience and to inform them of how it came to be that he wanted to become a writer. The genre of Mr. Baker’s writing is a literacy narrative, because he is describing his thoughts on how he believed that he truly became a writer.I think that Mr. Baker’s audience could possibly student writers, English students, and maybe even followers of his columns. The tone that he uses in this writing m ight be one of satisfaction. He started out explaining his frustration with his English composition but then towards the end he was proud and satisfied with what he had accomplished. My response to this writing is, as a student who is currently taking an English composition class right now, I do get very easily frustrated with having to write.I find it difficult to find a topic that interests me to the point of wanting to just let my words flow. I have a desire to be able to write something that will catch the reader’s attention and keep it but I have such a hard time with it. I also can relate to Mr. Baker’s point of view that sometimes it takes something so simple as a family dinner to bring to mind a whole slew of interesting and amusing ideas. References: Baker, R. (1982) Growing up: On becoming a writer. New York, NY: Don Congdon Associates

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The negative effects of illegal drug use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The negative effects of illegal drug use - Essay Example Almost one-quarter of these teenagers reported that they had participated in unprotected sex as a result of drug or alcohol use. It is important to note that alcohol is a powerful drug and illegal to minors putting it into the illegal drug category with respect to teenage use. Teens 14 and under who drink or use drugs are more likely to be having sex at double the rate of those in this age group that do not. High school teenagers that use alcohol are seven times more likely to have sex than their non-drinking peers. Older teens that drink are seven times as likely to have intercourse as non-drinking teens and those that use other drugs five times as likely. Drug and alcohol using teenagers are three and five times, respectively, more likely to have multiple sexual partners (Hartge, 1999). Teenagers experience more emotional fluctuations than do younger children or an adult which explains why the suicide rate is higher in that group. Teenagers that use drugs and alcohol are more likely to attempt suicide. According to a study of teenagers that attempted suicide, alcohol and drug abuse was the most frequently shared characteristic. Of the teenagers that took their own life, 70 per cent were frequent users of drugs and/or alcohol. However, current research does not demonstrate that drug and alcohol use actually instigates suicide, just that these behaviors are connected.   Teenagers that experience emotional problems to a higher degree than others have a greater propensity to consider suicide and to use drugs. (Shaffer et al, 1996). Illegal substances most frequently linked with drug-related fatalities include opiates such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamines and barbiturates. Alcohol, particularly when used in combination with harder drugs, is also linked with drug-related deaths. Cannabis and hallucinogens (i.e.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Performance Management and Human Resource Development Research Paper

Performance Management and Human Resource Development - Research Paper Example This paper tells that performance management served to be the answer because this system is specifically designed to drive profitable growth. Nevertheless, organizations encounter the problem that their daily activities are not associated with their strategy, initiatives, resources and risks; that is why they developed the strategy-related process known as performance appraisal. The main thrust of this paper is to explain what is meant by the term performance management and show the importance of performance appraisal scheme. Performance Management (PM) Performance management (PM) has no exact definition for it is emotive, â€Å"meaning different things to different people and dependent on which level in the organization they occupy† (Cattell, 2005, p.157). Likewise, several research studies with regard to the handling of employees are not consistent with their performance indicators because of diversity in individual needs and workplace expectations that differ from country t o country. This process is a systematic approach that is interested in motivating employees’ performance and productivity, monitoring, and assessment of performance through performance appraisal system. PM has two management fields that is focused on the progress and success toward goal achievement, and these are individual behaviour toward the organization and organizational strategies. The first aspect is all about organization as a whole, its performance and the performance of the top executives (managers and heads). The second aspect is the performance of individual system; they are the individual employees that worked for the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. These two aspects are distinct from each other in terms of the covered scope and resources. PM on employee’s level is really necessary to the company and this process would be effective if planning work and setting goals are consistent all throughout the execution. Through these, appraisal w ould be much clearer to the employees particularly on what aspects they will be evaluated, and the consequences behind the good and bad performance. Because of these consequences, coaching/feedback is given to the employees right after their evaluation. This is what Hackman and Oldham (2002, p.123) inculcated in their job design theory which â€Å"contends that a person’s intrinsic motivation is affected by his or her psychological state...† The only way to correct de-motivated behaviours of employees is to reward them intrinsically by giving them positive or negative feedback. However, there are instances that performance management is hard both to the managers and to the employees of the organization. Managers in their part, they tend to avoid PM process because they are afraid that their connection with their employees will be put to risk once they give feedback. Also, on the part of the employees, they felt embarrassed with the negative connotations from their mana gers especially if their performance did not meet with the expectation, and so their pay or advancement will be jeopardized (Chladek, 2006).  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Patriot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Patriot - Essay Example Benjamin is made the leader of the Colonial Militia to fight a course for both his country and family. Story being told The director of the movie is basically trying to tell the story of commitment for one’s nation. The effectiveness of this lesson that the director was trying to put across could however be said to have been plagued by the fact that the commitment or otherwise theme of patriotism that the director was presenting was not based on personal or self conviction of the character who was made to play the role (Warhurst, 2007). This is because the sense of the character’s patriotism was called to task only because he had a personal family mission of vengeance to undertake. Watching the movie, it could be seen that the director chose the American Revolution of 1776 as the historical piece with which to tell the story because that is a piece of history that has a very strong bearing of the ordinary American to his or her origins of freedom and independence that h e or she enjoys today (Gauja, 2010). This means that the historic piece was selected as one that could appeal to the sense of American patriotism in a more touching way. Most important Moments depicting Director’s Story There is a common saying in local parlance that it is only a fool who doe not change his or her mind. This adage is used a very momentous scene by the director to depict the director’s story. This is because in the judgment of Benjamin Martin, nothing would have made him fight for his nation if he had not lost his son through events of the war. This was an important moment depicted in the film because the call for patriotism is most often not heeded by most American unless they have a sense of urgency to respond to it (Rubin, 2010). The director therefore used that moment to drum home to all countrymen and women that the need to stand and fight for one’s nation should be something that is innate and inspired by personal convection rather than cir cumstantial events and happenings. Present Research and Point of View presented in Movie Research on the actual American Revolution, shows that the director of the film did not depict the exact events of the revolution in the film. This is because there were critical aspects of the wars and acts of violence that are more aligned to the Nazis in the 1940 than to the American Revolution in the 1770s (Jaensch, 2008). The role that was played by the Nazis was therefore made to be played by the British in the film. This somewhat contradicts the point of view presented in the film. However, further research show that the theme of the director that depicts the fact that the patriotism of most Americans are provoked by circumstantial factors such as the need to retaliate in terrorism; rather than an innate call of commitment is true about present day America (Gauja, 2010). This could have been fixed if the director told the American Revolution story just as it was without having to create t he story from a fictional point of view. Personal Lessons and Further Recommendation Before watching the movie, I had no idea of how sophisticated the British rule over the American was. Indeed, to the extent that the British would fight till the drop of last blood to ensure that their colonization of the Americans remained intact means that the British saw America as a real treasure that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Business law - Essay Example What happened before filing of the suit is that the plaintiff had been ordered to do the work anew. This plaintiff did not do wholly but only did part since reconstruction would require demolition of thee whole structure. The plaintiff went ahead and asked for payment for which the defendant denied. This denial of payment thus led to Jacob and Young Inc. to filing this suit. Here, the courts had to resolve whether the defendant’s argument was feasible. This is because the plaintiff had presented evidence that the materials used in construction were of the same quality as that the client had specified although not from the manufacturer the client had stipulated. The court finally decided for the plaintiff after judging that the materials used in construction were in fact of the standard quality the client had specified although from a different manufacturer. The decision was affirmed in whole. The rule of law is that â€Å"If the difference in value is greater than measure of allowance, then compensation is to be given.† (Shourie, 50). The court reached its decision by looking at the plaintiff’s facts and ruled that they were

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Social Media Marketing in the European Football Industry Dissertation

Social Media Marketing in the European Football Industry - Dissertation Example The paper operates mainly based on research question which can be stated as follows: Do European football clubs that engage fans through e-marketing techniques generate more revenues than those who do not? Most of the large clubs are known to many around the world, showing a positive relationship between fan base and revenue generation. This relationship is strengthened through innovative e-marketing techniques by the clubs. Football is one of the most popular sports not only in Europe but also around the globe. There are billions of football followers and fans. Since the world is changing to become a global village comprised of an online community, the concepts of e-commerce, e-business and e-marketing are very common. The traditional boundaries are no longer hindrances in the frequent communication of people who live thousands of miles away from each other. E-marketing is a growing phenomenon which is based on the most recent and innovative marketing tools such as social media and mobile phones. It is equally beneficial for all industries, producers and investors to get engaged in income generating activities. All of the European football clubs have a large number of fans and followers who attract investors and sponsors to finance the clubs so that their products and services are maximized. The analysis of data collected for this study through primary and secondary sources, shows that the clubs which engage their fans through e-marketing techniques are generating solid revenues even in times of recession. Contents Abstract 1 Contents 2 Football as an Industry 5 Marketing and Sports Communication 6 Role of Branding and Brand Awareness in Marketing 9 Marketing through Social Media 13 Types of Social Media 16 Viral Marketing 19 Web 2.0 Marketing 21 Web 3.0 Marketing 22 Social Media and Online-Social Networking 24 Marketing Football through Social Media 26 Demand and Supply Chain: 27 Publicity and Popularity: 27 Direct Interaction between Football Clubs and Fans: 28 Reward for Fans 28 Engage and Expand Fan Circle: 28 Set up Campaign 29 Procure Content 29 Update Content 29 Track Metrics 29 Analyse and Review 30 Effective E-Marketing 30 Social Media and European Football Clubs 32 Research Question 41 Methodology 41 The Rothschild Study 41 Sampling 42 Data Collection 42 Questionnaires 42 Interviews 43 Online Surveys 43 Types of data 43 Rate of Response 43 Triangulation 44 Length of the Study 44 Findings 44 Clubs’ Personnel Preferences 44 Nexus between E-Marketing and Increase in Revenues 46 Benefits of Common Age Groups 53 Increase in Number of Fans for Increase in Revenues 54 Income Generation by the Clubs through Fan Engagement 55 Discussion 59 Intensify Use of E-Marketing Strategies 59 Enhance Relationships with Fans 60 Establishing a Dedicated Communications Department 60 Leverage Experts to Boost Interaction with Fans 61 Design Interactions Based on the Stimulus-Response bond 62 Explore the Potential of Social Media 62 Exploit New Strategies Made Possible by Web 3.0 63 Train the Ordinary Users 63 Development of a Marketing Strategy for the Club 63 Economic/Financial Aspects 64 Social Aspects 65 Technological Aspects 66 Limitations 66 Future Research 67 References 67 Appendix A 77 Appendix B: New technology for Football Fans â€Å"Apple TV† 80 List of Tables and Figures Figure 1 Clubs’ Revenues 2010/11 5 Figure 2 Annual Progress in Social Media Comments 14 Figure 3 60 seconds on Facebook 23 Table 1 Social Network landscape as of August, 2009 16 Figure 4 Social Media Workflow 27 Table 2. Popular Social Networks as of July 2009 32 Fig. 5 The Fan Engagement Spectrum 34 Figure 6 Facebook’s March to a Billion 37 Fig 7: Clubs’ Personnel Preferences 42 Fig 8: Nexus between E-Marketing and Increase in Revenues 43 Fig 9: Clubs’ Revenues 44 Fig 10 Facebook Share of Time Spent Online 44 Fig 11 Role of Social Media in Revenue

Monday, September 23, 2019

Greenwashing In The Hotel Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Greenwashing In The Hotel Industry - Essay Example More than 33% of all food products that were launched in 2008 claimed to be natural according to a research by Dara O’Rourke, of the University of California Environmental policy, and a professor and founder of GoodGuide website that monitored consumer products and their eco friendliness (Cohen & Aaron, 2010). However the research found that more than 98% of foods that claimed to be natural in the US supermarkets and other hospitality institutions were found to be false regarding their Eco friendliness tags, while 22% of products had green claims with no inherent meaning. Many eco-friendly tags are aimed at saving money rather than environmental sustainability Miller, Melillo and Solman (2006) asserted that no matter how genuine hotels are, it would be very unlikely for the hotels to adhere to eco-labelling if there we nonprofits to be enjoyed. However, in a number of hotels, in order to capture this perception and create a positive public goodwill, some hotels have initiated programs that require contribution of certain sum of money to charity. For example, some hotel have elaborate signs that tell guests that reusing of towels will save money that will be donated to charity or to environmental bodies (Gallicano, 2011). As Gallicano explains, such hotel establishments undertake to carry out such gimmicks because many guests and customers do not have any knowledge regarding the internal working of the organization and their sustainable business practices. Therefore as more companies adopt green campaigns, consumers are getting more confused with the real meaning of â€Å"green ,â€Å" with branding experts finding it difficult to issue certification in green marketing due to increased... The blog reported on the green practice of reputable establishments such as the Fairmont Hotels, Kempton Hotels and Restaurants, Starwood’s, and Marriot Hotels, all which have been granted the LEED certification. The best practice that was unidentifiable from this campaign was that each hotel mentioned contributed 1% of their revenue to the local environmentalist groups, but did not have any elaborate development regarding the hotel’s undertaking to ensure environmental sustainability as would be expected under the LEED certification (Jessica, 2008). A blogger reviewing and sharing news regarding Proximity in North Carolina, which had received a LEED Gold certification and claimed to be using 36% less energy than other hotels, and 30% less water also put the reliability of such figures into question, judging from customer responses from the hotel services. Most hotels in order to hoodwink customers have huge insistencies in their eco sustainability practices. Some hotel s may meet the requirements of eco friendliness on one part only to perform very unsustainably in others (Gallicano, 2011). Moreover, some hotel establishments have undertaken to produce remarkable and well-designed websites that narrate of the measures that have been taken to meet eco-friendly practices in attempts that would amount to rating themselves on how best they meet such sustainable criteria, which does not give a holistic picture regarding their operations and real sustainable practices undertaken by the organizations.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Case Study Analysis Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Analysis Paper - Case Study Example The fact is that the summer is approaching and Arthur does not have a reliable pool of workers (replacement or otherwise) to run his business during this period. He is likely to face a high turnover and incur heavy losses because of a lack of workers to keep his business operational. His losses are likely to stem from spending more than he is earning – the replacement workers are actually more expensive than his normal permanent employees. Arthur’s turnover is too high to keep his business running during the summer. Since summer vacations are quite long, the losses incurred must be incredibly high during this period. An interesting fact is that turnover is higher in replacement employees than permanent workers who normally work for the company. Since his fulltime workers always return at the end of the summer or when they recover from their various illnesses, Arthur cannot afford spending a lot of money on temporary workers who are not always available and are too expensive to keep on the payroll. The solution to this problem is to do away with temporary workers permanently (Uhl, 2013). The solution is to develop a schedule whereby there are two pools of workers: permanent and fulltime. However, the replacement workers are only hired during the summer and paid decent wages to keep them on the job. Arthur’s method of looking for new workers every summer is flawed and will only lead to losses in productivi ty and revenue. He should always have replacement workers on standby. Ideally, they should be working in all the other seasons except summer, when they replace all the permanent workers. So, regardless of whether a permanent worker is sick or on vacation, there is a steady pool of replacement employees ready to take their place (Bridger, 2014). Arthur should change the summer vacation to a permanent off season for permanent workers. As soon as summer reaches all the permanent workers are given leaves and they only return

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Computers and Information Systems Essay Example for Free

Computers and Information Systems Essay INTRODUCTION OF INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY Information is a valuable asset. The protection of these assets is a basic management responsibility. Employing officers are responsible for: †¢ Identifying and protecting computer-related information assets within their assigned area of management control and ensuring that these assets are used for management-approved purpose only and all employees understand their obligation to protect them. †¢ Implementing security practices and procedures that are consistent with the Company Information Asset Security Manual and value of the assets. PRIVACY AND SECURITY POLICIES TAKEN CARE BY VARIOUS HIGHLY RECOGNIZED HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION PARTNERS HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION Partners HealthCare is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of patient health information. In order to facilitate and implement the activities related to the privacy and security of Protected Health Information (PHI), Partners HealthCare has appointed a Corporate Privacy Officer. The privacy officer responsible for implementation and oversight of the policies and procedures regarding the privacy of health information at their site. BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER Beth Israel Medical Center has adopted CPRI Toolkit -Technology Resources Policy to ensure uniform and appropriate use of its computer and telecommunication resources (the â€Å"Technology Resources,† defined below). POLICY: In using or accessing the Technology Resources, Users must comply with the following provisions. NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY â€Å"Users understand and agree that: BIDMC retains the right, with or without cause or notice to the User, to access or monitor the Computer Information, including User e-mail and Internet usage.†(Hodge et al. 1968, pg 17) Please keep in mind that anything created or stored on the Technology Resources, including the Computer Information, may be reviewed by others and that even deleted files may be recovered. USE OF E-MAIL AND INTERNET ACCESS AND USE All User e-mail addresses assigned by BIDMC shall remain the sole and exclusive property of BIDMC. Users should endeavor to make each of their electronic communications truthful and accurate. â€Å"Users should use the same care in drafting e-mail and other electronic documents as they would for any other written communication. The quality of your writing will reflect on BIDMC. Users are encouraged to use the Internet and intranets to assist them in the performance of their jobs.† (Thomas. R. 2001, 87) PASSWORDS Users are responsible for safeguarding their passwords for access to the Technology Resources. Users should recognize that the combination of a logon identification and password is the equivalent of a signature and that the disclosure to another individual is the equivalent of handing that individual a signed blank check. MAYO HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION Mayo HealthCare is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of patient health information by means of certain policies. ACCESS CONTROL TERMS Individual-based access control. Role-based access control. Context-based access control. POLICY-RELATED TERMS Policy: a broad statement of principle or intent that presents Mayo’s position. Policies are interpreted and supported by standards. Standard: a rule or regulation that specifies conduct or a course of action. Standards are mandatory directives for implementing Mayo policy that ensure uniform compliance. Guideline: a recommended course of action or a response to a given situation. Guidelines should be considered when determining how to implement standards. PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION (PHI) I. Information security Mayo Foundation will protect its vital information from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, or destruction, by conducting security program with patients and of Mayo Foundation. II. Security administration A group will exist to develop and maintain an information security program for Mayo Foundation entities. THEMES COMMON AMONG EACH ORGANIZATION`S POLICIES †¢ Controlling Access to Information and Systems, Operations and Administration. †¢ Network Security Policies. †¢ E-mail and the Worldwide Web, Telephones and Fax. †¢ Data Management. †¢ Backup, Recovery and Archiving. †¢ Document Handling. †¢ Securing Data. KEY SECURITY PRINCIPLES AND ELEMENTS FOR INFORMATION SECURITY AND PRIVACY MANAGEMENT The key security principles and the critical areas needing improvement for the healthcare organization. SECURING REMOTE ACCESS AND OTHER DRIVERS OF PHYSICIAN EFFECTIVENESS For many providers, ensuring physician effectiveness and quality of life is a top priority. This includes helping physicians gain off-site access to records, without having to come to the hospital or sign into multiple hospital systems. EXTENDING SECURITY AND PRIVACY TO THIRD PARTIES Secure interoperability from hospitals to physician practices is also becoming a requirement as the healthcare industry in many global markets moves towards wider use of electronic medical records and information sharing across collaborative groups (such as the emerging US regional health information organizations). (Perry. E., 1967, 48) DEVELOPING BUSINESS CONTINUITY AND DISASTER RECOVERY PLANS In the wake of high-profile natural disasters and health-related crises worldwide, most healthcare respondents (70%) identified business continuity and disaster recovery planning as one of the most critical business factors driving their information security spending. Forty-four percent, however, do not yet have such a capability, and 59% report that developing or improving these plans is a strategic security initiative for the coming year. References Hodge, Bartow, Hodgson, Robert. N. (nod.). 1968 Management and the Computer information system McGraw-Hill Companies, The, New York, NY, U.S.A. pg 17 Peltier, Thomas. R. (n.d.). 2001, Information Security Policies and Procedures: A practitioners Reference. TAYLOR FRANCIS LTD, pg. 87 Rosove, Perry. E. (n.d.). 1967, Developing Computer-based Information system. John Wiley Sons, NY,pg. 48

Friday, September 20, 2019

What Creates Fear In Horror Movies?

What Creates Fear In Horror Movies? Why I am frightened?With my dissertation, I dont want to explain the entire horror cinema story, nor mention all the important directors or the actually best movies in this genre. My aim is to know what makes the people scary in a movie, what are the elements that really creates a feeling of anxiety and stress. To achieve this goal, first of all I will analyse the beginning of the cinema (the silent movies) in order to know which is the ground of our current horror cinema culture. I think before trying to analyse any topic oneself must know the origins of this specific topic, the reality because this topic its like it currently is. After that, I will make a quick review of the horror films of each decade until the appearing of the first horror film in first-person perspective. This is because I think that the first-person perspective horror films are the culmination of our research to scare the public, I think that kind of movies are our current best bet in this issue.So with the help of the analysis of this kind of movies together with the analysis of the origins of the horror film genre, I expect to know how and what really makes us scary. Before first-person perspective horror The horror film genre born at the same time than the cinema, although did it unintentionally. Larrivà ©e dun train à   La Ciotat (Arrival of a train at the Ciotat) recorded by Lumià ¨re Brothers at 1986,showed simply the arrival of a train in a platform at a railway station. Despite of it, the public who went for the first time to see the film, became frightened and ran out of the room believing that the train would come out of the screen and run over them(Martin Loiperdinger and Bernd Elzer, 2004). That first feeling of terror using a filming was because the viewers in those days didnt know anything about cinema, camera shots and audiovisual language in general. So, from then on, it would be necessary to find new ways to scare and stress the public, more deliberate ways. This result in the birth of the horror film genre, whose objective is to make feel the public in danger, scared, frightened, like the audience who was watching the train arriving in the Lumià ¨res film. Silent Movies, the beginning Logically, the first horror movies were in the field of silent films. Thus, the first horror movies were silent, in black-and-white, and they used to be closely linked to the fantasy genre, prevailing mythological or legendary characters who lived among the society. Here are some outstanding examples: Frankenstein (1910) Director: J. Searle Dawley Country: United States Duration: 12 min. Plot: Film adaption of Mary Shelleys novel Frankensteinor also calledThe modern Prometheus, published in 1818. Victor Frankenstein is a young student of 35 years old who is trying to create the ultimate creature. However, his experiments led him to create a terrible monster, deformed, which constantly attacks the people around it. But the creature disappears when Victor Frankenstein falls in love. The film was recorded in fixed camera and using long shots during all its duration. Der Golem (The Golem)(1915) Director: Paul Wagener Country: Germany Duration: 84 min. Plot:Film adaption of Gustav Meyrinks novel with the same name. The rabbi Loew sees in the stars a sign of that a catastrophe will engulf the Jewish people. Meanwhile, the emperor of Prague gives a command to expel the Jews of the city. The rabbi decides to create a clay figure, the Golem, which what will save the Jews ghetto. This production is divided into five chapters and has two sequels, The Golem and the Dancing Girl and The Golem: How He Came Into the World. Both are also inspired in the medieval Prague but they dont belong to the same genre as the original one. Das Kabinett des DoktorCaligari (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) (1919) Director: Robert Wiene Country: Germany Duration: 51 min. Plot: Two friends, Francis and Alan, visit a fair in Holstenwall town (north of Germany). Once there, the mad Dr. Caligari and his faithful somnambulist friend Cesare announcesthat they are able to divine the future. Alan asks how long he has to live. To which question Cesare replied that he will die before dawn tomorrow, a prophecy which is fulfilled. After that his friend, Francis, begins to investigate the seer (Cesare) and the sinister doctor to find out the truth about what happened. In this film most of the plot is presented like a flashback told by Francis, the friend of Alan. The film it is a radiating example of German Expressionist Cinemas foremost forays into the genre of psychological horror and is also one of the first films to include an anti-climatic twist at the end of the story(, 2007 ,n.p.). Nosferatu(1922) Director: F.W. Murnay Country: Germany Duration: 94 min. Plot: An unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stokers Dracula novel. Year 1981, the German estate agent Thomas Hutter goes to Transylvania to visit the count Orlok in him castle to close a deal on the land purchase. During the visit happens a series of mysterious events that makes Thomas suggest that the count is a vampire. Unfortunately, in that moment the contract is already signed and Orlok is going to him new mansion in Wismark (Germany). Thomas Hutter fears the worst about Ellen, him wife. Nosferatu its also considered a German expressionism film. Despite of is not the first vampire movie. Nosferatu is maybe one of the most influential vampire films of all time (Colin Odell and Michelle Le Blanc, 2010, p.13). In this early age of the cinema, the silenthorror films get used to narrate a history about a mythological, legendary or non-natural character. The golem for example, is not simply a fiction character created by Gustav Meyrink in his novel; the golem is also a medieval folklore and an old Jewish legend. The first stories obaut golems date back to the beginning of Judaism and they say that the golem is created from clay and a divine spark that gives life(Karina Garcà ­a, 2007). So, the golem is a mythological character of popular culture since centuries, in the same way that the figure of the vampire, myth in the folklore of many cultures since immemorial times. Despite of it, the word vampire (in their different language forms) began to be used in the medieval era being associated, for example, as a victim and, even, the cause of the many epidemics and diseases occurred in the eighteenth-century Europe(Carol Senf, 1988). In the other hand, characters as Frankenstein are more recent and, although nowadays its a character of the popular culture, originally were simply a fictional character created in 1818 by Mary Shelleys. In any case, all these characters are characterized by not only be fictional characters, but because they are mythological and legendary creatures (Frankenstein maybe not exactly) present in popular culture for centuries. So much so that, for example, until the early twentieth century there were killing vampire kits which were given to travelers to protect themselves from vampire attacks(, 2003). Thats it, the people of that time really believed that they could be attacked by a vampire or see a golem next to a rabbi. In the case of Frankenstein, the belief was not in that particular character, but in the possibility of the existence of similar monsters in the reality due to advances in science and, above all, the technology in the nineteenth century. In the case of Caesar, the somnambulist of Dr. Caligari, is not exactly the same case but the basis are the same. Caesar although is not a monster acts as one. He sleeps in a coffin, him look is supernatural and frightening, he doesnt have willingly and, above all, he can predict the future. Maybe Caesar is like a pythoness or a witch, enough to scary the superstitious people of that time. In conclusion, the fear generated by these films was due the superstitious of the people and, more generally, because that films also provide a revealing mirror image of the anxieties of their time. Nosferatu (1922) is not simply a tale of vampirism, but offers heart-rending images of a town beleaguered by premature and random deaths, echoes of the Great War and the Great Flu Epidemic fatalities (Karina Wilson, 2005 ,n.p.) Regarding technological aspects of these movies, they are strongly motivated by the theater. Thus, they were trying to immerse the viewer into the story through the use of different melodies (always present throughout the film, there were no voices)with different purposes. On one hand, there were the atmosphere melodies, used most of the time as a resource that remained in the background to create the desired feeling depending of the location or the type of action that is described in the film. In the other hand, there were the mystery melodies, used to intrigue the viewer or stressed in the principal scenes of the movie. Referring the camera, the shots were prone to be quiet long and statics, only interposed by close-ups shots of the characters but rarely by close-ups shots of the actions. Maybe the influence of the theater was still quite strong on this aspect. Sound films, born the scream Opposed to the silent film, a sound film (or talkies) is a motion picture with synchronized sound which appearedin the mid- to late 1920s, although it was not until the early 1930s when this technique turned habitual. Films such as Dracula (1931), Freaks (1932), King Kong (1933), The Wolf Man (1941), Cat People (1942) or some of the adaptions of Robert Louis Stevensons novels, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931),The Invisible Man (1933) or The Body Snatcher (1945) are good examples of the horror films which the people used to watch in that time. These films maintained the base of the silent movies but giving now much more importance to the human-monster of the story, which is now its indisputable protagonist. Now these characters were, in most of the times, purely fictional, and the way that used to get terrorize the public was simply thanks to their appearance and their screams or, simply, their horrific sounds. The use of close-ups shots was increasing, in these days the real claim were the monster itself, so the events of the films was far removed from the everyday realities and the approaching war. In the decade of 1950s, the beginning of the post-war era and the cold war, the people lived continuously with the fear of war. In this era films like Godzilla (1954), It Came From Beneath the Sea (1955), The Fly (1958) or The Wasp Woman (1960) were the stars of the horror film genre.All these films tell the story about an animal which is converted into a giant or repugnant creature because of reasons such as radiation, technological advances or advanced biological experiments. The relationship with atomic bombs and the anxieties about nuclear weapons is clear, one of the most common fears in the people of the time (Marc Jancovich, 1996). Furthermore, at the end of the decade was the born of the movies about UFOs, aliens and in general foreign forms of life threats. So in 1947 occurred The Roswell Incident, born the acronym U.F.O and all of that maybe originated the fear of people about alien invasions. Movies like Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1956) or Plan 9 from Outer Space (1958 ) are good examples of that although there is another theory about the fear of alien invasion in that time that argues that is merely a code for fears of Soviet Union aggression (Marc Jancovich, 1996). although this type of films will raise through decades, with films like Alien (1979), Independence Day (1996) or even Paranormal Activity (2007), among many others. This is an example of a fear which is constantly scaring people during the decades, more or less intensively depending of the actuality. Modern times, the fear became human Teens of the time hadnt experienced the war, the social stability was a fact and the pop culture had born, welcome to the 1960s. Hitchcock was still alive and the films Psycho (1960) and The Birds (1963) were proof of this. Horror films and thrillers had intertwined by one of the maters of the cinema. The people were afraid of losing their stable life, but not because attacks ofthe monsters or failed experiments, but because people of flesh and bone. Some of the movies of Alfred Hitchcock and other films like Blood Feast (1963) are a proof of that.On the other hand, the films about ghost and living souls grew in popularity, films like Carnival of Souls (1962) or The Haunting (1963). And not far from the ghosts were the zombies, Night of The Living Dead (1968) of George A. Romero, a classic of zombies and dead livings movies.After the optimism of the 1960s, the 1970 was marked by a certain frustration. The fear apparent in the horror films of the 1970sis the fear of children and the o ften fatal process of childbirth; Eraserhead (1976) is a good example of that. Now the enemy was not in the space or in the Europe with the war. Now the fear was among us, inside our home, our mum, our dad or even our sister. Films such as The Exorcist (1973), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Shivers (1975), Halloween (1978) or The Shinning (1980), narrates the story of murders that occur in our neighborhood or home for people more or less close to us. In that time, there was a social deep-seated paranoia that the moral shift of the 1960s had creates a culture of young monsters without moral capable of killing. And in the year 1980 was when the first-person perspective horror film appeared. 3. Terror in first-person perspective After a century of horror films, nowadays we are witnessing an important quantity of films narrated in first-person perspective. Is not a fad, nor a trend, but gradually this type of products has grown in number and, especially, in popularity. The Blair Witch Project or, most recently, Paranormal Activity, are good examples of this situation. Both films were able to make feel the audience terrified when it comes out of the cinema. But this achievement was no thanks to a wonderful special effects, or thanks to the presence of very well made monsters and nor thanks to a heartbreaking melodies. That was because the audience really thought that the story was real and that they could be a victim of a similar experience(Manel E. Diaz, 2010). They probably discussed the facts narrated in the movie with a family member, a colleague or a friend a few days after the viewing. In fact, the movie hit them deeply, turning into an everyday fear during maybe a week after have watched the movie. First-person perspective horror films Here some examples of this kind of horror movies, most of which are recorded as a mockumentary or also called mock documentary. Originally the mockumentarieswere used as a television genre to analyze or comment current events becausethe realism of the stories were higher when this format was used.Soon the mockumentary wasalso used by the cinema, movies asDavid HolzmanHYPERLINK Diary (1967), The Rutles (1978) or Man Bites Dog (1992) among many others, are a good example of that. Butit was precisely in the genre of horror movies where their use seemed to have a greater impact on the public. Cannival Holocaust(1980) Director:RuggeroDeodato Country: Italy Duration: 95 min. Plot: The movie tells the story of four documentarians who deep into the jungle (Amazon Rainforest) to film the life of the indigenous tribes with cannibal habits. Two month later, after they fail to return, the anthropologist Harold Monroe travels to the place to try to rescue the documentarians. Unfortunately, Monroe and him team discovers that the documentarians has been murdered and eaten by the indigenous. Surprisingly, they could recover the lost can of films which reveals the missing documentarians fate and all them experience into the jungle, including how they died. The supposed content of that can of films is part of the film itself. The film was presented by the director as whether all the length were real; everything you see in the movie is real, even the deaths of animals and people. Thats it, the documentarians are really dead and were really tortured and murdered by the indigenous. These statements together with the content of the supposed rescued can of films and the format in which the film was presented (like a documental, with an important number of camera-in-hand scenes) achieved that the public believed that the story really happened. Despite all this, the whole content of the movie is fiction, except perhaps the animal deaths(Randy Malamud, 2010 : 2-3). In the year 1988 appeared a sequel of the movie called Cannibal Holocaust II;this one was more really like a Giallo rather than a documentary. Alien Abduction Incident in Lake County (1998) Director: Dean Alioto Country: United States Duration: 93 min. Plot: An American family is celebrating the dinner of thanksgiving when suddenly the fuses are gone and the house goes dark. Some of the members of the family decides to go outside to check the fuse box, but something mysterious happens: an unidentified flying object lands near them. This event will mark the beginning of a nightmare night when the aliens will try to abduct the family. The whole film is presented as the recording of the familys son, who films all the events occurred during the night with his new camera because he wants become a cinema director. This fact makes that the public thinks that the filming is real, although in the end of it they can see that all is fiction. Instead of the previous films, this one is not made like a documentary (although it has various elements typical of this kind of format), but its presented as a real home video. The Blair Witch Project(1999) Directors: Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez Country: United States Duration: 86 min. Plot:In October of 1994, three student film makers disappeared in the woods near Burkittesville, Maryland. One year later, their footage was found (The Blair Witch Project, 1999 :n.p.). With this statement the film starts. So, the story is about those three students who were recording a documental about a local legend about the Blair Witch. As in Cannibal Holocaust the film was presented as whether all the footage were real, as the students were really dead in the end of the film and the content of them footage was the film itself (but the whole film is fiction). The technics resources used for this occasion were the same as in Cannibal Holocaust (camera-in-hand scenes, story tell in first person perspective as the camera were the eyes of the character, documentary form, low image quality to make the story more believable,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Despite of it, unlike Cannibal Holocaust the film The Blair Witch Project managed to be a really commercial success being one of the most profitable films in the story. Perhaps the innovative viral marketing campaign that succumbed before the release of the film was one of the reasons of for its success. In the year 1988 appeared a sequel of the movie called The Blair Witch Project 2 which was simply a common horror movie.Apparently, it is already preparing a second sequel that would be more faithful to the original. REC (2007) Director:JaumeBalaguerà ³ and Paco Plaza Country:Spain Duration: 85 min. Plot:Every night Angela and her cameraman, who works for a local TV channel in Barcelona, have to make a report about the routine of one collective of the city. That night they must go along with the firefighters of the city to cover an apparently minor incident in a building in the center of Barcelona. Once they get there, they realize that the residents of this building appear to be infected and that the building has been quarantined, a night of nightmare has started. The whole content of the movie is presented as the footage recorded by the cameraman who works with Angela. There is an American film called Quarantine which is a Hollywood remake of the spanish original movie. In 2009 premiered the sequel, REC 2, which replaces the idea of an infection by a curse. Currently the directors of the original film are working in the third part of the film. There are more horror filmthat uses the first-person perspective,films asDiary of the Dead (George A. Romero), The Last Broadcast (Stefan Avalos), Cloverfield (Matt Reeves) or Paranormal Activity and its sequel (Tod Williams).The most part of the films exposed used the documental or mockumentaries format, instead of some of them like Alien Abduction Incident in Lake Countywhich uses the formatof a home video or REC, which uses the format of a TV report. 4. Format Topic, the key for scare As spectators, we have always felt protected from the dangers that are shown in the horror movies. That is thanks to the border of the diegesis, that fine line, the thickness of the screen.When we enter at the cinema we know that everything we will see is fiction, drama, a trick to scare us in the case of the horror films. We can imagine the camera and all the casting and the crew filming every scene of this movie. However, when we watch a documentary for example, our feelings are totally different so we are really convinced that every action showed in the screen really happened and, in general, we are convinced that the whole reality showed in this documentary is the same reality as ours. This fact makes us quickly empathize with the protagonists of the documentary because we already know that we can life and feel the same experiences that they are showing on the screen. In the other hand, if the documentary is in Africa and is about the danger of the snake bites, is probably that a European spectator doesnt feel as much empathy about the events showed as an Asian one for example.This is because be attacked for a venomous snake is much more possible in Asia than in Europe. So there are two things that mark our level of empathy with what were seeing on the screen, the type of visual narrative or format used and the topic of the film. The most part of the films exposed in the previous point have used the documental or mockumentaries format, instead of some of them like Alien Abduction Incident in Lake Countywhich uses the formatof a home video or REC, which uses the format of a TV report, it doesnt matter. What is really important is the use of a format that we associate with the reality. Every day we see in the news reports about local or international events and, for this reason, when we watch a film narrated with that same format we feel that the story is real. By chance, this type of formats (these are normally used to tell the reality) used to get the camera perspective to show the information, as the home video uses the same perspective to show the quotidian life of a family for example. Soin the case of the horror films in first-person point of view is not the perspective what makes us feel in danger, but the format. About the topic, as happens in the silent movies, will cause more or less fear depending on what level its close to us. So nowadays a first-person perspective horror movie about vampires wont scare us much as if was about the Flu A for example. In the other hand, there are some topics which scare us during all our history as for example, alien invasions. But inside every topic there are also a wide variety of manners of reaching the viewer. In the film Alien Abduction Incident in Lake County for example, the people who is attacked live in a rural area away from the civilization and, for this reason, they cant ask for help. However, in the film Paranormal Activity the people is attacked by aliens when they are sleeping. So is reasonable to say that Paranormal Activity has potential for scare more many people than Abduction Incident in Lake County because not everyone lives in a rural area, however, everyone sleeps. The same example its attributable to the film Cannibal Holocaust. The nightmare lived for the documentarians happen in the Amazonsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ How many of the spectators have never been in the amazons? A large minority of them, sure. However, how many of the spectators have been sleeping during the night in a forest like the students of The Blair Witch Project? Surely a lot of them, maybe families with them children or friends making a picnic or a bivouac during the summer. Although the film could have been even scarier if for example it had occurred in a neighborhood in the outskirts of big city. So a really large part of the audience would feel identified with it and, maybe, when they would return home they would be a little bit afraid at least. So, in the same way that throughout the history of horror movies, nowadays we are scared about those topics whose are close to us. But not only nearby topics, also films with characters wholived situations that we can live in our quotidian lives. During the history of the horror films we have seena large amount of films about issues of concern to the entire population, global issues. Instead, to really scare the public its better to find closer topics, more personal, all this bearing in mind that a movie is a commercial product that should appeal to millions of people. In conclusion, for make a really terrifying movie we have to speak about a fear which can be felt by the people in their everyday life and furthermore, we have to use a format which is used to link to the explanation of real events, a format like the documentary for example. The horror films in first-person perspective uses this formats, but not always speaks about the most terrifying topic thus its depends of the global issues that there are when the film is released. Conclusions After more than a century of watching films, the human as a spectator feels so comfortable that its difficult to scare. The people goes to the cinema knowing that the reality showed in the screen is not the same reality that the one they lives. And also knowing that the characters who are in the film are well-paid actors. In fact, they expect to enjoy with a good dramatization, a well narrated fiction story and, maybe, some spontaneous scare. As did Orson Welles in his radio broadcast War of the Worlds in 1938, the key for scare the public is to catch them off guard. And it has to be made inside their own reality, without allowing them to protect themselves with the diegesis of the fiction. The history has shown us that the best way to achieve this purpose is to narrate a fictional story using the same techniques that we would use whether the story was real. In fact, Larrivà ©e dun train à   La Ciotat (Arrival of a train at the Ciotat) recorded by Lumià ¨re Brothers at 1986 its a documentary (in its way), not a fiction movie. So,the first-person horror movies uses this techniques to scare the audience, but that is not the only thing to keep in mind. The topic of the movie is also important,a really terrifying movie has to speak about a fear which can be felt by the people in their everyday life, something that can really happen to them. This is a human fact, the people always has felt fear by the dangers of his surrounding, of his country, of his town, of his neighborhood, on his lives. Bybliography BrokenProjector, 2007, Kammerspielfilm,[Electronically accessed 24th November, 2010.] Elzer, B. Loiperdinger, M. (2004), The Moving Image 4. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Garcà ­a, K. (2007), ObservacionesFilà ³soficas Magazine,[Electronically accessed 24th November, 2010.] Jancovich, M. (2006), Rational Fears.Manchester : Manchester University Press. Le Blanc, M. Odell, C. (2000), Vampire Films. Harpenden : Pocket Essentials Malamud, R. (2003), Poetic Animals and Animals Souls.Georgia : Palgrave Macmillan. Senf, C. (1988),The Vampire in Nineteenth Century English Literature.Wisconsin : Popular Press. Myrick, D. Sanchez, E. (1999) The Blair Witch Project. Haxan Films. Usa Today. (2003), Vampire Killing Kits Sells for $12,000,[Electronically accessed 24th November, 2010.] Wilson, K. (2005a), Horror Film History, [Electronically accessed 24th November, 2010.]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

America in the 50s and 70s Essay examples -- US History Politics

The American society in the 1950’s saw tremendous increases in population and affluence. This addition, termed the Baby Boom, expanded the middle class and introduced new ideas of prosperity to the United States. With new conventions, such as bank loans and credit lines, the spirit of American commercialism thrived. The following decade, however, brought about many changes in the nation’s social, political, economic and philosophical way of life. With the push for social programs and greater equality for the disenfranchised, the progressive movement in America thrived. Many groups of Americans were not pleased with the new progressive direction of the country, however. These groups began to seize upon the instances of social unrest and violent demonstrations to assert their reasoning for a pendulum shift back toward conservative ideals. Armed with a new radical approach, these conservatives committed themselves to reversing the tide of impending liberalism. Therefore, during the 1970’s many Americans spoke out against the social movements of the 1960’s and radically advocated for a return to the conservative values of the 1950’s. Social morals of the 1950s leaned towards the conservative end of the spectrum. Women had their place in the home, minorities were economically and socially segregated from the ruling class, and homosexuals were rarely mentioned in society. The extreme liberal and progressive advance of the 1960’s, however, radically changed these American fundamentals and drastically altered the direction of the country. To counter the wave of the â€Å"New Left† movement, many segments of the American citizenry pushed to restore the nation to a more â€Å"traditional† state. Conservative women were one such segment... to dictate our lives. These conservative figures advocated a return to the traditions of the 1950s, and in so doing, ushered in a new age of conservatism in America. This new movement reverberated throughout 1970s and would come into full bloom in the following decades. Works Cited Agnew, Spiro T. "Speech at a Pennsylvania Republican Dinner." The Dangers of Constant Carnival. Harrisburg, October 30, 1969. Goldwater, Barry. The Conscience of a Conservative. 1960. Nixon, Richard. "Acceptance Speech, Delivered before the Republican National Convention." Miami, Florida, August 8, 1968. Schlafly, Phyllis. "Understanding the Difference." In The Power of the Positive Woman, by Phyllis Schlafly. 1977. Time. "Gay Rights Showdown in Miami." Time, June 13, 1977. Wallace, George. "Speech at Madison Square Garden." New York City, October 24, 1968.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Robert Browning Poems: My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Essay

Robert Browning is one of the most celebrated poets of the Victorian age. His two poems I am working from, "My Last Duchess" and "Porphyria's Lover", are just samples of his eminent work. Browning wrote a range of monologues when living in Italy with his wife, Elizabeth Barret. Dramatic monologues are the basis of the essay. I will discuss whether (or not) each poem "creates a character who reveals himself in what he has to say". My Last Duchess is a monologue spoken by the Duke. He talks about his relationship with his recently deceased wife. Through the words of the poem, he reveals the true demise of the Duchess and the reader is shown the Duke's feelings and opinions of this woman. Porphyria's Lover is also about the death of a woman. It involves a possessive lover who wishes to enshrine a moment of love. Though his method is everything but normal. Both poems are filled with rhyming couplets, however with the technique of enjambment, they are almost undetectable. This is a clever and subtle insinuation to the murderous deed in hand. I would first like to comment on the titles of both poems. My Last Duchess can give many hints to what the poem regards. The word 'My' can symbolise the Duke's wish to own the Duchess and using "My" creates this image. "Last" may make the reader think that she is the latest in a long line of wives, or that she is the last wife once and for all. Porphyria's Lover is left unnamed. Using 'Duchess' the reader can imagine that the male character is a Duke and therefore he has a title and a label. The 'Lover' is anonymous; he has no name, but uses 'Porphyria' to describe himself. This makes him very... ...anonymous Lover is possessively insane. He is driven only by his love for Porphyria. He feels restrained by society and feels that the moment she declares she is his; he cannot let it slip away. Time is against him and he had to find some way of keeping her perfectly preserved and unchanged. The Lover also reveals his rebellion against religion and God, thinking that God will not condemn him, as his deed was not wrong. I prefer Porphyria's Lover to My Last Duchess, as the Duke is terribly arrogant and pedantic. The Lover, I believe, truly loved Porphyria with all his heart, though it is baffling why he felt death was the only option. Whereas the Duke, did not love his wife but saw her as a possession to show off in front of people. The painting must surely work the way he wants it, as it is another thing to show off.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How media effect our life Essay

How media effect our life BY equivalents In today’s society, media comes into our lives in many different forms and throughout the years, these forms have affected our society positively. There are basically three types of media, print media, electronic media and new age media. Print media Includes newspapers, books, and pamphlets, electronic media Includes television and radio, and the new age media includes phones and internet. These types of media interact with people everyday and in our lives, and are the main source that affect us and change our society. Newspaper is a traditional kind of media which has been used for a few centuries. Newspaper Is a periodical publication which Includes news regarding current events, various articles, societal discussion and some advertisement. Radio is also a popular way for people to know news or other Information. Radio and newspaper are two similar kind of media, however, one is printed while the other is broadcasted. With newspaper and radio developing. Our daily has changed a lot. Newspaper or radio can influence us on what we think about some facts, news or organization. It can play very vital role in building the way that people think and convincing what people should do. Newspaper is main resource of daily information offer people up-to-date news. Newspaper have positive effect as well as negative effect. It’s a mirror of truth which people is willing to believe. It’s a media for both educated and uneducated people. Some people can also find their job though newspapers. Advertisement is also a outstanding use of newspaper. Some organizations and companies will put their advertisements on newspapers to sell or to show their products. However, there are also negative effects of newspaper. In some newspaper, blast might be exist. For example, In World War II newspaper played a significant role. During WI As the most worldwide kind of mass media, TV plays an important role In modern society. To some extent, TV is the combination of newspaper and radio, because TV Includes sounds, images and sentences. It Is a new stage of media which can show audience daily news much more directly and vivid. People prefer to watch TV rather than read a newspaper because colorful and brilliant TV program Is more Interesting than a newspaper. Therefore TV has become a popular media for people getting sews and having some fun. Television Is the most functional media during these years. People use it to spread information, and updated news. In the early years, there were early a few news channel since It created. But the channel become diversity than it used to be recently. Despite of news, advertisement is another newly media to recommend the product. -it’s much more faintly than the customer walk Into the mall and choose their favorite product. In Dalton, television can offer different age-stage of various people and satisfied their requirement. The TV company may arrange different special channel. Such like sports channels. Most of the live sports game are showed and the latest sport news as well. Businessmen may use the Economic channel to receive the business news. Internet is the most widely use media of the world. Various usage of internet are being used by people all over the world, For most people. To spend some time on 1 OFF interest in. There are all kind of message on the internet. Whatever you want to look for you can find it. Even if some specific information, you can find it in a very short time by search on the internet. In the old day, we have to look though a article word y word to find something that we are looking for. With internet we can Just type what we are looking for and answer will come out automatically in one second. Our life have become different since the internet has been invented. Nowadays people will see the news and look for any information on the internet instead of newspaper and television. We can see many comments for events on the internet which cannot be seen in other two media. This is good because people can talk about their opinion about some events after they read them instead of Just read the news. Internet is extremely necessary in our society. Internet is like a rope that connects the world. It makes communication become easier around the world. We can communicate instantly though the internet by email or some chatting applications instead of sending a letter and waste a few days. Internet is a media that can carry message really fast. For example, if somewhere in the world is having a natural disaster, once this news get onto the internet ,people from all over the world will know immediately. Media have changed our life and society a lot no matter what form it is. Media do help human beings a lot. As the most ancient way of spreading information, swapper and radio spread the news immediately and let people know the world deeply. However, people always accept the news as the truth, and accept the bias unconsciously. TV is the revolution of mass media, and replaces the old way little by little. As the most popular way to receive the information, the Internet provides a more convenience way to know the world instead of traveling the world. However, people depend on the mass media too much, and regard everything they knew from the mass media as the truth. If mass media are controlled for a personal goal, how people can distinguish the truth and the lies?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Government-operated gambling Essay

Over the past few years, government operated gambling has grown into a massive business, there has been much controversy around the topic of weather or not Gambling should be regulated. In this essay I will explain my point of view on this topic and give examples that support my ideas. So, what should the state’s policy towards gambling? I believe that the state should not regulate gambling because of three main reasons. My first reason is people’s rights and freedoms. Second, Gambling has grown into a major industry over the pas few years; the centre for addiction and mental health stated in their Gambling Policy framework in 2011 â€Å"Government-operated gambling has steadily expanded in Ontario in the past two decades, revenues reaching $4. 7 billion in 2009. † (2). This shows that Gambling has grown to become a major industry in today’s economy and by doing so it has helped society in several different aspects, the growth of the gambling industry has lead to an increase in revenue for the government, thus resulting in more social benefits towards the public. Finally, The gambling industry has lead to many job opportunities in north America, offering a beacon of hope to those in need of jobs during a recession. In modern society, freedom is not only supported but also cherished, people should be given the freedom to live their lives as they please, weather they choose to live their lives in a healthy way or not that is up to them. However, they must be given the right to live as they please. In the United States, groups such as the KKK are protected under the first amendment, which protects their freedom of speech, no matter how ludicrous it may be, they have the right to say as they please. The same should be applied to life. People should have the choice to live their lives as they please without being watched over by the government. Since gambling does require participants to be of legal age, we know that the people gambling are adults. These grown ups should be able to have control over their own lives, its their responsibility to understand the chances they are taking when gambling. Some may argue that certain people can’t control their gambling problems and have gotten too addicted to gambling and that casinos take advantage of these people. These claims are supported by some statistics given in the centre for addiction and mental health, which states, â€Å"it is estimated that between 30% and 40% of Ontario’s gambling revenues come from the 3% of the population with gambling problems† (2). This statistic shows that the gambling industry does heavily depend of the people addicted to the game. I would respond by expressing two points. First, the people with gambling problems of which they cannot control are a minority, in Jonathan Wolff’s â€Å"Ethics and public policy A Philosophical inquiry†, the author states that â€Å"between 0.6 and 0. 8 of the UK adult population could be classified as problem gambles† (59). Furthermore, in the centre for addiction and mental health’s Gambling Policy framework in 2011 that â€Å"just over 3% of the province’s population experiences moderate to severe gambling problems. †(57). These numbers do not justify having to discipline an entire industry that would affect hundreds of thousands of people that work in it and making their living off jobs in that industry. Second, increasing government regulations on casinos and lotteries will not stop these problem gamblers from gambling. Jonathan Wolff states â€Å"in the late 1950s there were towns about 25 percent of the adult population gambled illegally on a regular basis. †(55). Taking this point into perspective, it could be inferred that if the government increases the regulations on legal casinos and lotteries that would make it harder for people with an addiction to gamble, these people will find other ways to feed their addiction. This is a severe problem because when these people begin to gamble illegally they will put their money into other illegal activities, which could include drugs, weapons or violence. In fact, many large gangs could use this opportunity to fund their illegal activities, which would lead to more trouble in society; another point to be made towards this issue would be that of money, not only would these gamblers be putting their lives at risk when gambling illegally and dealing with gangs, but they could also be keeping this money out of the government’s hand which could go government programs to help the less fortunate. This brings me to my next point and that is that gambling has become a major source of revenue for the government. Government regulated gambling has grown into a massive industry which generates a significant amount of revenue each year of which most ends up in the government as funding for many different organizations. in the paper named â€Å"Gambling: Its Pleasure and costs† by Lorne Tepperman it states that â€Å"The industry group’s report †¦ says 57 per cent of gambling revenue – $8. 7 billion- supported government services and charities. † (9). Tepperman also states that gambling is the â€Å"most financially significant† (9) segment in entertainment and that it contributes â€Å"$15. 3 billion a year to the economy, according to the Canadian Gaming Association. † (9). Ronald Pavalko also states in his paper titled â€Å"gambling and public policy† â€Å"State revenues from casino taxes totaled nearly $3. 5 billion. † (336). The reality is that today, we are in a recession we can’t afford to decrease that revenue by implementing harsh restrictions on gambling. It is argued that even though gambling is a major source of revenue for the government, it is also a source of misery for people with gambling addictions. The centre for Addiction and Mental health states that â€Å"For these individuals, a range of harms may occur, resulting in heavy social, economic, and health costs such as crime, dysfunctional relationships, and bankruptcy. † (2). However, the solution to this problem is not adding restrictions to gambling but is actually using the money made from gambling towards a better cause. As I have previously stated, people addicted to gambling will not be cured from their addiction by regulating legal gambling because they will find other means to feed their addiction. I believe that the best solution to these people’s gambling problem would be using the revenue that they generate for the government in taxes could be used to create social programs for people with serious addictions to gambling that would help them quit. I believe this solution would be ideal because the minority of people with gambling addictions will be treated in a proper healthy way in order to get over their addiction, the left over revenue could still be used in other social programs and finally, the money and profit that the casinos and lotteries generate will still flow which would result in more jobs, another source of income to the economy and would prevent people from getting fired from their jobs if harsh restrictions were to be applied to gambling agencies. My final argument for this essay is that of employment. As previously stated, gambling generates a huge amount of revenue for the government, Gambling is a growing industry and with its growth it creates several opportunities for jobs for people in need. Gambling generates many jobs that help the economy grow in this time of need. Gambling generates jobs of all sorts, from the engineers and architects that build and design the casinos, to the people who sell lottery tickets, to those who actually work in casinos. All of these people generate their income because of the gambling industry. Tepperman states that in Canada gambling accounts for â€Å"267,000 full time jobs. † (6). Pavalko also states in his paper that in only eleven states a total of 370,207 people are employed in casinos, In a country with a current unemployment rate of 8%, the Gambling industry should be seen as a source for solutions to a much more serious problem than an addiction to gambling. Expanding the gambling industry will in return create more job opportunities and help decrease the unemployment rate dramatically. However, if the government begins to set harsher policies towards gambling and casinos are required to cut costs, the unemployment rate might increase which would create even more social issue, which could result in protests and riots from the workers who have lost their jobs due to the harsh policy towards gambling. Some might argue that Gambling still creates harm towards many people and even though it can create jobs it can also result in many people losing their jobs. I would respond by quoting Lorne Tepperman â€Å"A majority of adults gamble responsible; only a small minority of the population experiences gambling related harm. † (1). I believe that gambling will create more jobs that it will end and that that is just a minor side effect that could be easily cured by the revenue that gambling will generate for the government, this money could be put back into society and produce new projects that create new job opportunities and these jobs could be offered to those who had lost their previous jobs. In conclusion I would say that I do not believe that the government should regulate gambling because of the reasons that I have stated earlier in this essay. First, Gambling is a choice and freedom. It a civil right and the government should not be able to decide weather or not you are allowed to gamble or how much you are allowed to gamble. Second, Gambling has grown into a major industry and has become a major source of revenue to the government. Gambling has helped fund many government programs used to help the less fortunate, even though gambling does create certain people who are addicted to it, they are nowhere near as many as the people whom gambling helps. In this situation the pros drastically outweigh the cons and as previously stated, the revenue generated from gambling could go towards social programs made to help people with gambling addictions, that way these people will eventually cure themselves of their addiction and the hundreds of thousands of people whom depend on gambling a source of income would not be affected, which is what I believe is a win-win situation. This brings me to my final argument, employment. The gambling industry has created hundreds of thousands of job opportunities to many of those who need it, especially in a recession where millions struggle to find an income support for them and their families. I would say that the government should encourage gambling businesses to grow. However, as Christiane Pouline states in his paper titled â€Å"Gambling† that â€Å"Decisions on policy pertaining to gambling need to be based on a full accounting of the health, economic and social benefits and costs of gambling. † (1208). Which is why the policy towards gambling should be set to help both the gambler and the Casinos. That policy should state that a majority of the profit that is generated from Casinos should go towards social programs that will benefit society; these social programs should include programs made to help gambling addicts with their problems. James Doughney perfectly sums up this policy in his book titled â€Å"The poker machine state†. Doughney says, â€Å"Try to do good; but even when you cannot at least do not knowingly cause harm. † (1). Over the past several years, gambling has grown into the largest sector of the entertainment industry, creating the most amount of revenue to the government. Our society should be scared of this phenomenon and try to regulate it, we should actually take advantage of it and use it to help make the most the most of this opportunity by using the money made from gambling to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reviewing my Christian service charity activity Essay

1) Identify the details on your Christian service: Where? When? How? For whom? My Christian service was at the Markham Food Bank near Main Street, Unionville. I volunteered during May 21st, where I was one of the only few people who got up in the early morning in order to take the initiative to serve the community as well as Christ. By packaging and organizing food for the poor, we were serving the less fortunate people of Markham, who visit the food bank as a means of obtaining food. 2) Some of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations that I examined in my grade ten year were: – Recognizing there is more grace in our world than sin and that hope is essential in facing all challenges – Thinking reflectively and creatively to evaluate situations and solve problems – Setting appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life – Thinking critically about the meaning and purpose of work One specific expectation that related directly with my service work this semester was relating to family members in a loving, compassionate and respectful manner. I gave the same type of effort and care into the poor people who needed my help, essentially making them a part of my â€Å"extended family.† I tried demonstrating compassion and love towards them through my hard put effort in organizing, packaging, and sorting an assortment of different food for them. I also contributed to the common good by helping these poor people. In modern society, most people would bypass on the less fortunate people of our communities without offering any aid. These types of inconsiderate people are not supporting the common good of our world. By ignoring and dishonouring God’s precious creations, we are directly going against God himself. Thereby, my actions in helping these poor people are an act to expand and establish common good in our community. THINKING 3) The Golden Rule, â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you† is a theme that is demonstrated in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In two paragraphs, answer the following questions as they pertain to the Christian Service work that you have completed during this semester. Analyse how your Christian service: a) Promotes human dignity My Christian service promotes human dignity because I am restoring pride and hope in the hearts and minds of the poor by helping them carry out a normal, everyday life. The less fortunate suffer everyday due to their lack of money, homes, and as well as human essentials. They are sometimes abused verbally and physically by those that think they are â€Å"superior† than them, which causes them to lose their righteous human dignity. By providing these people would proper food and water, I restore a small portion of their dignity as a human being. They should not feel low or bad to have to come to us for help, because that is what we do for each other. In this essence, I am able to help promote human dignity through my services at the Markham Food Bank. b) Challenges any personal religious and/or social biases. Often people in society do not associate with other people or help them out because they think that they are not on the same â€Å"social status† as the other. These social biases are particularly true with homeless people who seem to be suffering more and more simply due to their social status. These judgemental remarks make it even more difficult for these poor people to obtain food and get jobs. Therefore, through my Christian service, I am challenging the boundary of any social biases by offering free food packaged and boxed for the poor and suffering in our communities. APPLICATION 4) In a paragraph, demonstrate how your Christian service fulfills some aspect(s) of the Corporal works of Mercy. My Christian service perfectly fulfills the first Corporal Works of Mercy that is to feed the hungry. By going to the food bank, and packaging/organizing a variety of food in boxes for the poor people, I am helping to â€Å"feed† the hungry people of our society. All these less fortunate people wait in line everyday in order to be fed, and I was just fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be able to help serve the poor by providing their food. Therefore, my Christian service successfully fulfills this aspect of the Corporal Works of Mercy. 5) In a paragraph, evaluate the effect your Christian service has had on your moral and your faith development. This Christian service has indeed had a significant impact on my moral and faith development this semester. By experiencing the difficulty of getting up so early in the morning and going through traffic in order to arrive to the food bank, I realized the level of dedication and love these people must have to come out there every day to help less fortunate civilians. Furthermore, I learned that I should never look down on someone simply because they are not as blessed us, rather I should be more compassionate and understanding of these people. Not only that, but the simple fact that there is such an organization out there, such as the Markham Food Bank, that serves free boxes of food for the poor and less fortunate, makes me truly believe that God exists and he only wants good in our world.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

History Gcse Vietnam Coursework Essay

Source A is by US President Johnson, speaking in April 1965, one month after the start of Operation Rolling Thunder. It is a primary source. Johnson had a difficult job; he had to live up to be popular. The former president JFK was very popular. Johnson was a new president. He launched the direct involvement; former president only sent weapons and advisers. In the source, Johnson says USA got involved in Vietnam because â€Å"we have a promise to keep†. By saying promise he is referring to the Truman Doctrine. It is the promise made by Truman president of USA after World War Two, they promised to send money, weapons and advisers to the countries outside the Iron Curtain if they are over the threat of communism. Johnson feels that he has to carry on the promise. Americans expect Johnson to help out South Vietnamese. Americans think communism is evil, and they are the defender of democracy and capitalism. They think it6 is their job to contain communism. They have showed to the world that they will stand up over communism in Korea, Cuba and Greece; it is vital that they carry on containing communism to make America appear strong. The source is said to public in America. It is useful because it is from the president himself who lead the war which makes it is primary source because it was said at the time the war was going on. In addition, it gives us the reasons that Johnson told the public. It also tells us the official reason of why America was involved in the war. Because Johnson took them to war, many public believed him. Direct involvement has just begun and the incidents at gulf of Tongking and Pleiku were the excuses for America to bomb North Vietnam. The source is less useful because he doesn’t give a specific reason on why America was involved; he does not talk about the direct involvement, he is trying to justify his reasons on bombing Vietnam. He believes it is the right thing to do; he hides his private feelings. He also says the quote from the bible to back him up. â€Å"Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he says that the god will say he is doing the right thing. He is trying to make people feel it is the moral thing. He also means that he don’t want communism to be over the Iron Curtain. Because the views from the Vietnamese people are missing it make the source less useful. It is biased because we only get Johnson’s point of view. The date is significant and it is said to persuade the public and it makes the source more likely to be propaganda. Johnson is desperate to put the public on government’s side. Because if the government does not get the support from the public there will be a massive protest. The source only shows Johnson’s point of view so we don’t know if the Vietnamese wanted America there. Johnson has just started to bomb Vietnam which makes it less reliable because he is trying to put the public on government’s side. This is not uncommon because it is what the other leaders have done in the past to put the public on their side. Because it is common that makes it les reliable; the politicians can exaggerate the reasons why they have gone to the war. Propaganda has been used in World War 2 and more recently in Iraq and Afghanistan and the public have to be cautious when listening to propaganda speeches. The media is trying to make the public believe that communism is bad. The source on its own is not very useful. Perhaps if it was cross-examined with other sources we will be able to understand more about the reasons of why America got involved in the Vietnam War. Source B is a private conversation said by us President Johnson in May 1964. The source tells us that Johnson’s fear of communism â€Å"of course if you start running from the communists they may chase you into your own kitchen† which is similar to source A in the fact that he talks about communism spreading to the West and America. He also tells us that he has a fear of losing power which he doesn’t mention in source A because it is a public conversation. He says that the politicians and advisers are giving him pressure to start the war which means that JFK was doing is not working anymore. The source was spoken in May 1964 but then the Operation Rolling Thunder hadn’t started. The USA was only helping the Vietnamese indirectly. The date is significant because it shows that he had thought about bombing Vietnam, it wasn’t a decision which was taken straightaway. He says that he is not confident that they will win the war â€Å"I don’t think it is worth fighting for. And I don’t think we can get out† which contradict with what he has said in source A. Source B is useful because it displays his true thoughts and feelings about going to war in Vietnam. Because the decisions to go into war are done by Johnson it makes the source more reliable. However, because the source only tells us one point of view as to why they are involved in Vietnam War; it limits its reliability and it’s not helpful if you’re looking for why they are involved in Vietnam. The source is privately said which makes it more reliable because it’s trustworthy and because there is more chance of it being the truth. It is more useful because it shows what he really think about Vietnam â€Å"we acre a hell of a lot less† it again contradicts with source A where he said we should act up on Vietnam; this makes source A less useful. But on the other hand source B is less reliable because we don’t know who he had this private conversation with. I think source B on its own is not very useful because he doesn’t say many reasons of why they got involved in Vietnam. But it is useful in way that it contradicts with source A and helps us think more about if source A is reliable. Source C is by Professor Noam Chomsky, he was an American critic of the war; which means that he is not going to be positive about what the government is doing. He is less reliable because we don’t know his background. He ahs got his own agenda; possibly he can be Anti-American. Because he is a professor, people are more likely to believe what he says because he is knowledgeable. However, it doesn’t mean what he says must be true. The source is less useful because we don’t know where he got the information from, to make it more useful we need to know the derivation of his information. The professor emphasises the fact that the government didn’t go to the war to help the South Vietnamese â€Å"its our ‘official’ truth now† he is saying that this is what the public was told by the government, it was what everyone believed at that time. â€Å"It’s just not true† in these lines what the professor actually means is that President Johnson is a liar. â€Å"The US did not want an independent South Vietnam that was no longer dominated by America† in these lines the professor is telling us that USA got involved in Vietnam because they did not want to lose the control over Vietnam and they wanted took powerful to the Soviets during the Cold War. The source tells us that the US got involved in Vietnam for trade and money because if the South Vietnamese turn communist they won’t trade with America, which means that they will have less economy. â€Å"It could not allow South Vietnam out of its orbit† in these lines what he is saying is that America want to show the world its strength and it wants to keep control over Vietnam. It is about America being selfish and its greedy motives. This supports what Johnson said in source B, he only says he cares about Vietnam in source A. The source is said to public because he is being interviewed, the source is not very reliable because it only shows his point of view. The professor wants the public to know the truth or what he thinks is the truth. There is less chance that the media has changed the source. The source is useful because it shows us a different viewpoint about America’s involvement in Vietnam War. The fact that the professor has said it in public shows that he is trying to achieve publicity for himself by exaggerating the reasons. The source is useful because it displays that not everybody agreed to the war and some people criticised their own government. It is also good because it shows a different opinion on Vietnam War; something we haven’t considered before. The source was spoken in October 1982 after the war has finished in the 1970’s. Chomsky is criticising the government because they have lost the war, there is more chance of public believing Chomsky than government and they will think that the government has made a mistake. It is less reliable because it is a secondary source and he doesn’t know what the real reasons were, he wasn’t there at the time nor he wasn’t part of the government. In my opinion, source C on its own is not very useful because ewe only get one person’s viewpoint. But if it was interrogated with other sources it can be more reliable. In conclusion, I think from all these sources I have studied source B is more useful because it shows us what president Johnson felt at that time of war and he was the one who sent out soldiers to Vietnam. But in source A he could be lying to the public to justify his reasons because he can’t say he sent troops down to Vietnam for his selfish motives. I haven’t chosen source C because I think that he is trying to gain popularity by criticising the government and that is his job.